Who We Are

Hey there! We’re Marina and Diego, the storytellers behind Road-Explorer. Although we’re not retired yet (yes, we dream about it every night!), we totally get your itch to explore the world on your own terms. Remember scrolling through endless travel blogs, yearning for that feeling of freedom and adventure? Been there, done that! Read more about us:

Our Mission

This blog isn’t just about bragging about our epic road trips (although, let’s be honest, there will be some seriously stunning photos coming your way!). Instead, we’re on a mission to be your travel buddies, the ones who light a fire under your travel bum and get you out there creating your own unforgettable adventures.

Just picture it: you, the open road, and the freedom to explore hidden gems, ditch the crowded tourist traps (been there, done that!), and make memories that’ll have your friends saying “wow, that’s EPIC!” Moreover, whether you’re a millennial adventurer craving an off-the-beaten-path escape (think #vanlife vibes!), a family on a budget on the hunt for affordable thrills (hello, endless road trip snacks!), or a retiree ready to embrace the open road with the flexibility to explore at your own pace (#silverfoxtravels anyone?), we’ve got your back.

Where we’ve Traveled

πŸ“United Kington (where we live) – London, Cotswolds, Bath, Brighton, Edinburgh

πŸ“Iceland – Ring Road

πŸ“Portugal – Porto, Braga, Lisboa, Cascais

πŸ“Belgium – Brussels, Bruges

πŸ“Croatia – Whole coast

πŸ“Slovenia – Ljubljana, Bled region

πŸ“Montenegro – Kotor

πŸ“Hungria – Budapeste

πŸ“Austria – Vienna, Lower Austria

πŸ“Italy – Trieste

πŸ“France – Corsica, Nice

πŸ“Monaco – Monaco

However, in this blog, we’re not just sharing our adventures; we’re inviting YOU to join the ride! Buckle up, fellow road trip buddies! Let’s hit the gas, embrace the freedom of the open road, and make some unforgettable memories together.

#RoadExplorerCrew #LetsGetLost

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